Laura Guertin, distinguished professor of Earth science at Penn State Brandywine, celebrated National Ocean Month in June in a most appropriate way — she spent two weeks aboard a research vessel in the Gulf of Alaska. Guertin joined the expedition through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Teacher at Sea program. The NOAA ship Oscar Dyson’s mission was to assess the population and distribution of walleye pollock in the Gulf of Alaska.
Twelve Penn State students had the opportunity to travel to Oaxaca, Mexico, for "Maymester in Mexico: Language, Culture & Community," a four-credit, study abroad program designed by faculty in the College of Education in partnership with Penn State Brandywine and the Universidad Autonóma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca.
Penn State Brandywine has received a certificate of recognition from the Delaware County Transportation Management Association (DCTMA) for the installation of a new electric vehicle (EV) charging station, open to both campus users and the general public. The charging station will help local EV drivers find more affordable options and also helps to advance Penn State's decarbonization goals of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions.
Forty years after graduating from Penn State, Mo Paknejad, class of 1982, became an advisory board member for the University’s Brandywine campus. Paknejad began his journey at Penn State at University Park in 1980, majoring in electrical engineering. He was involved in multiple organizations and activities across campus, including Karate Club and intramural volleyball.
Penn State Brandywine’s Center for Social Impact reimplemented a gift card assistance program for students in need for the spring 2023 semester. This program first began in the spring 2020 semester to help students purchase needed items during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Penn State Brandywine celebrated Black History Month 2023 throughout February with a variety of activities sponsored by Student Engagement. The month consisted of many events that celebrated and taught about Black culture and history.
Penn State students now have the opportunity to experience Oaxaca, Mexico, through Maymester in Mexico: Language, Culture and Community, a new four-credit, study-abroad program. Maymester in Mexico is designed for Penn State undergraduate students from all campuses, schools and fields of study, and it offers hands-on learning experience to build linguistic and cultural competencies.
Penn State University Libraries’ Vairo Library at Penn State Brandywine is beginning a lending partnership with Delaware County Libraries. Now, library users from any of the county library system’s 28 locations may use their existing public library card to check out books and other items from Vairo Library and other Penn State University Libraries locations.
Since 2018, Penn State Brandywine has been partnering with SAP, a world-leading software production company, to host the SAP-designated Next-Gen Lab. This collaboration has provided Brandywine students with the opportunity to enhance their innovation and creativity through conducting research, attending conferences and gaining access to exclusive online resources.